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Age-related hormonal changes in men: andropause test

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120 ribu rupiah
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In men, hormonal changes occur with age, and this period is called andropause. As women go through menopause, so men suffer from changes that, admittedly, are less noticeable externally. With andropause, there is a slow decrease in testosterone levels, a slow metabolism and a higher probability of cardiovascular disorders and other diseases. These changes can jeopardize personal life, mood, commitment and prostate health.

What is andropause and what are its symptoms?

It can be said that the main cause of andropause is the aging process, but the rate of development of symptoms is influenced by lifestyle, so it is necessary to monitor alcohol consumption, smoking and stress levels.

This is a period of reduced secretion of male sex hormones – testosterone drops, the number of viviparous in the seed, as well as their mobility. Although the first symptoms may appear after 30 years, andropause is observed in 30-40 percent of men aged 45 to 55 years, and the first signs appear after 30 years. The level of the hormone testosterone decreases, and this causes changes such as:

- reduction of carnal attraction;

- emotional, psychological changes in behavior;

- reduction of muscle mass;

- loss of muscle strength;

- increase in adipose tissue;

- weakening of bones and back pain.

A test for the symptoms of andropause.

Andropause tests are used to assess the subjective state of a man, and the ADAM (Androgen Deficiency of Aging Man) test looks like this:

1. Are you 50 years old or older?

2. Have you decreased your attraction in the last 6 months?

3. Do you have problems with elasticity?

4. Do you feel a lack of muscle strength or endurance?

5. Have you noticed a drop in purposefulness?

6. Do you enjoy life as much as before?

7. Are you often in a gloomy mood, worried or sad?

8. Do you feel a general lack of energy?

9. Do you no longer exercise as often as before?

10. Do you often fall asleep right after lunch?

11. Do you have joint and muscle pain?

12. Do you have sudden sweating attacks or fever?

13. Do you get tired quickly and have difficulty falling asleep or wake up early?

14. Do you often get nervous?

15. Can't you control your emotions?

If you answered five or more questions in the affirmative, you probably meet the criteria for symptoms of andropause, and it is recommended to consult a doctor. After examination and analysis of the results, testosterone replacement therapy is offered.

Interestingly, some men during this period of life become kinder and more attentive, and their relationship with their wife (companion) becomes better emotionally. Playing for real money in a new online casino is always associated with high risk for players, so it is important to carefully check the online casino before making your first deposit. New Casino Our experts have carefully analyzed the best new online casinos with free spins, which are not necessarily well known among players. A list of these new casino sites and descriptions of their features are available below


























